90W ADP-90YD B AC Adapter Charger Replace for Asus K55A K55N K501UX K53E Q550L U56E A55A K751L A450J A450VC X53E X551M X555LA K550D A55V Laptop
- Connector Size: 5.5 * 2.5 mm (Please confirm the specifications and plug size before purchasing!! ).
- Input: AC 100-240V 50-60Hz Output: DC 19V-4.74A 90W Outlet: 3-prong.
- Replacement with: Asus X750JA K751L K55A K55N K501UX K53 K53E K53SV K43 K43E K43SV U46 U56 U56E A55A K751L A450J X73E X43 A43 A53 A450VC A55V.
- Package Include: 1 * AC Adapter and 1 * Power Cord.
- TO Customer - As a trusted seller, we would like to thank you for putting your trust in our store to power our business in the past. In 2022,costs are....