Green Cell Battery C21N1347 for Asus R556 R556L A555 A555L F555 F555L K555 K555L K555LD X555 X555L A555D F555LA F555LB F555LD F555LJ R556DA R556DG R556LA R556LD R556LJ R556U R556Y X555LA X556 X556U
- Bring your laptop back to life with Green Cell - Premium quality notebook battery replacement for Asus C21N1347 battery.
- Long-life battery - up to 500 charging cycles (2-3 years of trouble-free operation) and long battery life within the whole lifespan. The battery....
- Safety first - Advanced electronics ensure safety during charging and operation. Safety features include: overcharge, deep discharge, short circuit....
- Perfect fit for Asus: R556 | R556L | A555 | A555L | F555 | F555L | K555 | K555L | K555LD | X555 | X555L | A555D | F555LA | F555LB | F555LD | F555LJ |....
- Capacity: 4100mAh (30Wh) | Voltage: 7.6V | Color: Black | Type of cells: Li-Poly | Number of cells: 2.