65W 19V 3.42A AC Laptop Adapter Charger for ASUS X551 X551M X551CA X551MA X555LA X551MAV X551MA-DS21Q X551MA-RCLN03 S300C S400CA S500CA EXA0703YH EXA1208UH ADP-65JH BB UX303U 420S Power Supply
- Replacement For: ASUS TP500LA TP500L Q501LA ADP-65DW-B AD887320 010LF EXA1203YH PA-1650-78 ADP-65AW A ADP-65GD B EXA1208UH PA-1650-93 13124 AD887020....
- Compatible with ASUS:A450 K401 K501 F554 X551 X551C X551CA X551M X551MA X551MAV X550 X550C X550CA X550LA X550ZA X552 X550LN X552LAV X555LA X555D X450C....
- High quality: Our AC adapters manufactured with the highest quality materials, have passed strict intelligent detection, provided with Overheating....
- Warranty: 12 Months Warranty, 30 days money return or Free Exchange Guarantee.(Please check your laptop model and buy it with confidence!).