MEGA 2560 Starter Kit Ultra (100% Arduino IDE Compatible) w/ Battery Holder, Sensors, Modules, Resistor kit and Components (no Supply)
- ... with plastic cells (organizer of components) -Shield for prototypes + Mini-Breadboard -Large Breadboard (830 points ) -Dupont Cables 10 * Female-Female + 10 * Male-Female + 10 Male-Male -Cable Jumper for breadboard -6 Push Buttons with multicolored caps -Joystick Module type PS2.
- -RC-522 RFID Module with white RFID Card and RFID Keychain -High-precision RTC Real-Time Clock Module DS3231 and EEPROM AT24C32 -PIR Presence Sensor HC-SR501 -Distance measurement module HCSR04 -Sound sensor detector module with programmable threshold -LM35 temperature sensor -Tilt detector module -Servo SG90 motor -Stepper motor (5V) -Motor driver module for stepper motor ULN2003.
- 5V Active Buzzer -5V Passive Buzzer -LCD 1602 16 characters * 2 lines -LED Display Driver MAX7219 -LED Matrix Display of 8*8 -7 Segments Display 1 digit -7 Segments Display 4 digits -Simple Relay Module - Infrared Remote Control 38kHz - 38kHz Infrared decoder receiver (type 1838) - Infrared phototransistor (Flame sensor) - Infrared LED - Light sensor (Photoresistor).
- -10 * LEDs 5mm Diffused RED -10 * LEDs 5mm Diffused GREEN -10 * LEDs 5mm Diffused YELLOW -5 * LEDs 5mm Ultrabright WHITE diffused -3 * LEDs 5mm Red / Green / Blue Diffused RGB -Shift Register (Series to Parallel IC) 74HC595 - NPN Transi....