Berg Reppy Rebel Kids Go Kart - Pedal Go Kart for Boys & Girls - Kid's Pedal Vehicles with Soundbox & Adjustable Seat - Pedals Cars for Kids - Black Ride-On Children's Go Cart for Ages 2.5-6 Years
- .... The bearings and Direct Drive technology on the wheels make it easy to pedal and steer for little hands and feet. This black go-kart moves forward and backward for the best riding experience..
- Adjustable Seat & Easy-to-Reach Steering Wheel: The low bucket seat on the children's go-kart adjusts to 4 different positions to maximize their comfort as they grow. No matter the position of the seat, the steering wheel is built to always be easy to reach..
- Sturdy, Lightweight, & Compact: We've constructed these kids' pedal go-karts using a durable alloy steel frame and 10" high-tech EVA foam tires that'll never go flat. Thanks to its compact, lightweight design and built-in handle you can guide your children along their ride, and pack it away at the end of play without any hassle..
- Great for Almost Any Surface: Your child will always be firmly and safely grounded on almost any surface due to the textured wheels and swing axle of this pedal go-kart. The foam wheels are virtually silent, so they can joyride indoors or out without driving you crazy..