Retrospec Baby Beaumont Kids Balance Bike for Toddlers No Pedals Air Filled Tires 2-3 yrs - Blush
- NO PEDAL TODDLER BIKE: Balance bikes encourage kids to use their own bodies to safely find balance, improve bilateral coordination, and confidently....
- ADJUSTABLE SEAT & HANDLEBARS: Take on any growth spurt with the Baby Beaumont bike. Easily adjust the height so your little cyclist rides comfortably....
- DURABLE & SAFE DESIGN: Our step-thru steel frame durable and lightweight, specifically designed to be easy to mount for little legs. The....
- FITS 2-3 YEAR OLD KIDS: Boys and girls aged 2-3 will love their new balance push bike that is styled just like the big kid's bikes!.
- QUICK ASSEMBLY, BUILT TO LAST: Retrospec gear gets you outdoors in no time. No useless features. No unnecessary fuss. Just expertly designed, durably....