WiFi Wireless Car Rear View Cam Backup Reverse Parking Camera For iPhone Android iOS by BLUE ELF
- დ Properties:1.Wifi connection: Video recording and video sharing functions can be achieved by connecting smart devices with the camera's WiFi. 2. Electronic rearview mirror: seeing through the end of the device in real time after you have entered the video of the rear view, you can see in real time. Look at the reason behind the vehicle and the overall perspective.
- დ 3. Forward-looking function: It can be installed in the front, rear, left and right viewing area, and the software can be opened for real-time monitoring. 4.Reserse video recording: Every time the mobile phone is switched on and the app or apk is undone, the video can be saved in the smartphone. The five cycle coverage when recording your lane each time you reverse the vehicle can be minus your risks.
- დ 5.Smart start background, start voice call: Android background system can monitor the trigger signal, automatic start, no manual input. 6.Apple Voice Call Start system, static IP connection to reach online and v....