Seachem Equilibrium 600gram
- MINERALS: Equilibrium is specifically designed to establish the optimal mineral content for the planted aquarium. When this mixture is added to the....
- EQUILIBRIUM: Does not contain sodium or chloride (which can be detrimental to a planted aquarium at elevated levels)..
- SUITED FOR: Equilibrium is preferably suited for use with RO (reverse osmosis) and DI (deionized) water or any mineral deficient water..
- BALANCE: Equilibrium raises the essential mineral/electrolyte content (General Hardness) of the water to balance with and promote stability of the....
- DIRECTIONS: To raise mineral content/general hardness (GH) by 1 meq/L (3 dH), add 16 g (1 tablespoon) for every 80 L (20 US gallons) when setting up....