Augmented Reality using UNITY: A basic demo of Augmented Reality (AR) technology by using Image Processing
- Free 3-Month subscription to Merge EDU apps - $30 value - Comes with a 3 month subscription to all Merge apps - Merge Explorer, Object Viewer, and HoloGlobe. There is always a limited amount of free content. Works with iOS, Android, and Windows devices.
- The Merge Cube is the only product that lets you hold digital 3D objects (holograms), enabling an entirely new and powerful way to learn Science and STEM.
- Over 100 interactive science simulations that will let students learn effectively, they can touch, hold and interact with.
- Provides the equivalent of $10,000 worth of teaching aids for students to learn effectively, anytime and anywhere.
- Can upload, view and share user created 3D creations on the Merge Cube that lets students to discover problems quicker and iterate faster so they can create better designs.