LeisureQuip Pool & Spa Chemical Balancer Maintenance Kit - Contains Alkalinity Increaser Calcium Increaser pH Increaser pH Decreaser Scum Absorber & Pool & Hot Tub Log Book
- Contains: Alkalinity Increaser 2lb, Calcium Increaser 1lb, pH Increaser 1lb, pH Decreaser 1.5lb, ScumBoat Floating Scum Absorber, and Pool & Spa Care Log Book.
- This spa care bundle includes the chemicals needed to balance the water in your hot tub or pool. Use test strips or a test kit to see what your current water pH, alkalinity, and calcium levels are. Use the chemicals in this kit to raise/lower the levels to ensure proper balance in your pool or spa..
- This spa & pool balancer kit includes the chemicals needed to bring the water to the correct pH, alkalinity, and calcium levels as well as a scum absorber to help keep oils from building up on the waterline..
- LeisureQuip pool & spa balancer chemical kit to protect equipment from damage while balancing water for bather comfort.
- LeisureQuip Alkalinity Increaser raises the total alkalinity of your pool or hot tub to protect your equipment from corrosion and minimize pH bounce. Low total alkalinity can cause corrosion to your equipment which can lead to staining and repair bills. Properly balanced total alkalinity also reduces pH bounce..