Here s to a Bright Future Lightbulb Shaped Containers - Set of 12 - Graduation Party Supplies
Whether you're hosting a graduation bash or classroom celebration, these lightbulb containers are oh-so-unique and cool for almost any festivities.....
Each treat container reads "Here's to a Bright Future"..
Christmas Santa Gnome Electric Wax Warmer- Full Size Large X-mas Santa Fragrance Scent Warmer -
The Gnome warmer melts wax under his fluffy beard using a 25W lightbulb pointing down towards the wax melting dish at his feet. The Gnome is a ceramic warmer with a red gingham hat and gold bell atop a red gingham base..
Safely warms wax melts to diffuse lasting scent.
Gentle light adds a touch of ambiance - 25-Watt light bulb included.