LOL-FUN Baby Ride On Toys for 1+ Year Old Boy and Girl Balance Bike, Toddler 12-18 Months Boy Toys Age 1-2 - Black
- ...ial of the baby balance bike is plastic instead of metal, so that the baby balance bike is light and the body is only heavy 3.8 pounds, which is convenient for the baby to drag anywhere at any time.
- the front of the baby balance bike is made of 135 °Turn limit to prevent the baby from rolling over and falling.
- RIDE INDOOR AND OUTDOOR: The wheels of the baby balance bike are made of EVA material, which is non-slip, wear-resistant and non-destructive. Baby can ride indoors and outdoors. It helps the baby learn balance skills, practice leg strength, enjoy riding fun and gain self-confidence. There are also exquisite gift box packaging, which is a very meaningful gift to commemorate the baby's growth process. PLEASE NOTE: the baby needs to be accompanied by a parent during the ride.
- EASY ASSEMBLY: This baby balance bike does not require any tools to assemble, you can follow the instructions and it only takes a minute to complete the assembly!The seat of the baby balance bike can be adjusted forward and backward according to the red button under the seat.And the baby balance bike is made of high-quality material, BPA free to ensures that they are safe for any baby. Safe design can be assured as 1 year old girl and boy gift.