DTK A32-K53 A41-K53 A42-K53 Laptop Battery Replacement for ASUS X54C A53E A53S X54C X54L K43S K53E Notebook 10.8V 5200mAh 6-Cell
- Compatible Models: Asus: A43 A43BR A43BY A43E A43S A43SA A43SD A43SJ A43SM A43SV A43TA A43TK A43U A43U A53 A53BY A53E A53Z A54 A54C A54H A54HR A54HY A54L A54LY A83 A83B A83B A84 A84S A84SJ K43 K43B K53 K53B K53Z K54 K54C K84 K84C K84H K84HR K84HY K84L K84LY P43 P43E P43EB P43EI P43S P43SJ P53 P53E P53S P53SJ P53XI Pro4J Pro4JE Pro4JS Pro4JSJ Pro5N Pro5NB Pro5NU Pro5NZ Pro5P Pro5PE Pro5PS Pro5PSJ Pro8G Pro8GB X43 X43B X44 X44C X53 X53B X54 X54C X54XI X5P X5PE X5PS X5PSJ X84 X84C.
- Compatible Part Numbers: A31-K53 A32-K53 A42-K53 A43EI241SV-SL.
- Operation time for standard batteries(6-cell, 5200mah): Around 2.5 hours, the actual operation time will depend on how much electricity is required by the device and how you use it..
- All DTK batteries are UL/CE-/FCC-/RoHS certified for safety and packed with a variety of safety features, including short circuit, overheat, and overload protections.Strict guidelines for compatibility, and standards compliance for environment safety.Grade A cells ensure fast charges and low power consumption.
- Built-in circuit protection ensures both safety and stability. 100% New from Manufacturer. Up to 500 recharge cycles ..