Smartby Panasonic N2QAYB000485 Remote Control for Panasonic Plasma LCD TVs TC-32LX24 TC-42LD24 TC-42LS24 TC-42PX24 TC-50PS24 TC-50PX24 TC-58PS24 TC-65PS24 TC-L22X2 TC-L32C22 TC-L32U22
- Brand new, no need any program and work out of box after put the batteries in.
- N2QAYB000485 Remote Control fit for Panasonic TV.
- Work with various Panasonic brand TV models.
- Such as TV models: TC-32LX24 TC-42LD24 TC-42LS24 TC-42PX24 TC-50PS24 TC-50PX24 TC-58PS24 TC-65PS24 TC-L22X2 TC-L32C22 TC-L32U22 TC-L32X2 TC-L37C22 TC-L37D2 TC-L37U22 TC-L37X2 TC-L42D2 TC-L42U22 TC-L42U25 TC-P42C2 TC-P42S2 TC-P42U2 TC-P46C2 TC-P46S2 TC-P50C2 TC-P50S2 TC-P50U2 TC-P50X2 TC-P54S2 TC-P58S2 TC-P65S2......
- If it does not work directly, Please reset by following the instruction in the product description..