DIYmall Mini PiTFT 1.3″ LCD Display 240×240 TFT Add-on for Raspberry Pi 3.3V SPI ST7789 3.3V SPI ST7789 Full Color
- TFT size: 1.3″ diagonal, Voltage:3.3V, Interface:SPI, Driver: ST7789, Color:Full color.
- The Mini Pi TFT 1.3 ” – 240×240 Color TFT Add-on for Raspberry Pi is your little TFT pal, ready to snap onto any and all Raspberry Pi , to give you a little display..
- The Mini Pi TFT comes with a full color 240×240 pixel IPS display with great visibility at all angles..
- The TFT uses only the SPI port so its very fast, and we leave plenty of pins remaining available for buttons, LEDs, sensors, etc. It’s also nice and compact so it will fit into any case..