SINGER 06542 Class 15J Bobbins, Transparent, 3-Count
- Set of 3 Class 15J transparent plastic bobbins.
- Class 15J bobbins are compatible with Singer Futura Embroidery Machines series 2600s, 3900s, 7400s, 8700s and Izek 1500.
- Never add sewing thread to a partially wound bobbin as it may be uneven and cause thread to tangle or break.
- Singer 15-J bobbin is a genuine singer part and is specially made to fit touch and sew, companion, confidence and futura embroidery machines.
- This includes series 8700, 7400, 3900, 2600 and Izek 1500.
- Always use Singer 15-J Bobbins on these machines.
- These are high quality premium sewing machine bobbins and each package contains (3) 15-J transparent bobbins.