Goetland Baby Balance Bike with Bubble Machine for 12-36 Months Toddler Dinosaur Mini Bike No Pedal Bike Birthday Gift for 1 Year Olds Ride-on Toys Fit for 2.2-3.3FT Children
- Except teaching by parents, there might not be more important way to learn how to walk, stand and even run for a baby. Balance Bike is not just a toy, but a good teacher for babies to learn how to stand, walk and run.
- Goetland Baby Balance Bike is fun and magic. It is easy to start, babies just need to press the button, it will create an "bubble wonderland": There are bubbles coming behind which is wondeful. An independent sealed bubble-solution-bottle is inside to prevent overflow. (Tips: Please use professional bubble-solution to achieve the best bubbling performance. 3 AA batteries required, batteries and bubble-solution are not included.).
- Goetland Baby Balance Bike is specially designed for the babies who are 12 to 36 months. As babies ride by themselves, they can constantly balance on their own feet. So, they can not only exercise their legs, but also learn how to walk and run. Fully enclosed & widen silent wheels preventing babies from pinching their feet. 135 degree limit steering is to avoid side falling and ensure the safety of the babies.
- Goetland Baby Balance Bike is equiped with sturdy carbon stee....